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2024年8月1日にSHINKUKANプラットフォームがリニューアルされ、Welcomeman PodcastとSHINKUKANのコンテンツ戦略が明確に分かれることが決定されました。SHINKUKANは、日本のアーティストを世界に発信することを目的としたプラットフォームで、今後はより深いコンテンツを展開していきます。一方で、Welcomeman Podcastはグローバルアーティストの紹介に焦点を当て、日本国内の活動と世界的な音楽マーケティングを分けることで、ターゲットオーディエンスに応じた情報を発信する形となります。



Welcomeman Podcastの役割の変化

一方、Welcomeman Podcastはこれまで通り世界のアーティストをピックアップし、最新の音楽ビジネス情報やトレンドを発信する重要なプラットフォームとして続けられます。これにより、グローバルな視点で音楽を捉え、日本の音楽市場と海外市場の違いや、成功するための戦略を掘り下げて紹介することが可能になります。Welcomeman Podcastでは、アーティストやクリエイターにとって役立つ情報を共有し、リスナーが新たな視点やインスピレーションを得られる場として、今後も積極的な発信を行っていきます。






SHINKUKANとWelcomeman Podcastの今後の展開は、日本の音楽をグローバルに広めるというミッションに沿ったものとなり、それぞれの役割が明確化されたことで、さらに多様で価値あるコンテンツを提供できる体制が整いつつあります。プレイリストやメディアの立ち上げ、ポッドキャストの強化など、複数のプロジェクトが同時進行しており、今後も日本の音楽シーンに大きな影響を与えることが期待されています。

Blog Summary (English)

With the renewal of the SHINKUKAN platform on August 1, 2024, the roles of Welcomeman Podcast and SHINKUKAN have been clearly separated. SHINKUKAN will focus on introducing Japanese artists to the global stage, offering more in-depth content such as playlist creation, guest interviews, and music business insights. Meanwhile, Welcomeman Podcast will continue to highlight global artists, with a focus on international music marketing. This strategic separation will ensure that each platform can cater to its respective audience more effectively.

SHINKUKAN's Renewal and New Direction

SHINKUKAN, originally designed to support Japanese artists through streaming and funding, will now place a stronger emphasis on creating playlists and relaunching its podcast, with a focus on introducing Japanese artists to the world. SHINKUKAN is also planning to expand its media functions, with the goal of increasing international exposure for Japanese music. By enhancing its content offerings, SHINKUKAN aims to attract global music fans and create more opportunities for Japanese artists to gain worldwide recognition.

Welcomeman Podcast's Evolving Role

The Welcomeman Podcast, on the other hand, will continue to focus on highlighting global artists and sharing the latest music business news and trends. This will allow the podcast to explore the differences between Japanese and international music markets and provide strategies for success. The Welcomeman Podcast will serve as a valuable resource for artists and creators, sharing insights that can help inspire new ideas and perspectives.

Personal Content on Stand FM

In addition, the Stand FM platform will be used to share personal business updates, business mindsets, and socio-economic news. This platform provides a more intimate space for communicating with listeners, offering real-time insights into Welcomeman’s daily business activities and personal reflections. It allows for a more personal connection with the audience, deepening their understanding of the business and music industry.

SHINKUKAN's Future Prospects

SHINKUKAN is progressing with plans to create playlists that introduce Japanese artists to the global market and launch a new media outlet to further enhance its influence. The team is working on various aspects of this project, from deciding who will write the content to how the pages will be structured, as well as considering monetization strategies. These efforts aim to continuously share the beauty of Japanese music with the world.


The future of SHINKUKAN and Welcomeman Podcast is aligned with their mission to promote Japanese music globally. With their roles clearly defined, both platforms are poised to offer more diverse and valuable content. Projects such as playlist creation, media launch, and podcast enhancements are well underway, and these initiatives are expected to make a significant impact on the Japanese music scene on a global scale.





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